+49 (0) 2366 9943905 info@eadips.org

Compliance Guidelines EADIPS FGR

I Preliminary remarks

The term compliance describes in one word the willingness and obligation of companies and their employees to behave in accordance with the law. Compliance requires more than just adherence to written law. Observing the rules of free and fair competition and the law protects a company’s reputation, prevents claims for damages and avoids government sanctions and fines. The members of the association and their employees regard compliance as a prerequisite and obligation for their activities.


II Obligations

1. Antitrust law
Antitrust law protects free competition from price fixing and behaviour that restricts competition. EADIPS FGR carries out public relations work for its members. These are companies that also compete with each other. The work of EADIPS FGR is therefore based exclusively on the association’s statutes, which aim to promote the common and idealistic interests of an industry, but not those of individual members. Accordingly, any behaviour that restricts competition, any exertion of influence or promotion of such behaviour is prohibited. Discussions with the aim of reaching agreements on production or delivery quantities, prices and customer relationships or obstructing competitors are not permitted.

2. Acceptance and granting of advantages
Within the scope of their activities, association representatives shall, in their contacts with representatives of authorities and companies, counteract any attempt to exert influence by accepting or granting benefits on business or official decisions. Promises and promises or the promise of benefits are not permitted. The acceptance of hospitality services must not exceed the scope of what is customary in society. Costs for hospitality must be reasonable and avoid the appearance that a consideration is expected or promised.

3. Industrial property rights, copyrights
Presentations and publications of any kind must be organised in such a way that the regulations on the protection of third-party intellectual property and fair competition are observed.

4. Data protection and confidentiality
Data protection regulations must be strictly observed. All employees and representatives in governing bodies must ensure the confidentiality of all information and knowledge obtained from members or other parties involved in proceedings during and after the termination of their work for the Association.


III Compliance guidelines of the member companies

Compliance guidelines of the member companies must be observed and, in case of doubt, must also be referred to and taken into account when working in committees and bodies of EADIPS FGR. Behaviour that is not permitted under the rules of the member company is also not permitted in the context of activities for EADIPS FGR.


IV Legal issues

The Executive Board and/or management must be informed immediately in the event of any attempt to exert prohibited influence or behaviour within the meaning of sections II (1-4) and in all cases of legal doubt. The latter shall decide whether and which legal steps, if any, are to be taken for a binding legal clarification or other legal procedures.