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The BoRSiS soil-pipe system

The BoRSiS soil-pipe system

Despite many efforts to slow down man-made climate change and limit global warming to below 2 °C, ideally even to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, climate change continues unabated. Against this backdrop, the implementation of measures to adapt to the consequences of climate change is becoming …

Horizontal directional drilling

Horizontal directional drilling

„The only constant is change, you just have to be able to react to it“. This quote from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus accompanied MIDEWA Wasserversorgungsgesellschaft in Mitteldeutschland mbH during the construction of a new DN 500 drinking water pipeline with ductile iron pipes …

Western Eifel regional network system

Western Eifel regional network system

A secure and modern supply of drinking water, energy and telecommunications at favourable conditions, which also makes a contribution to the energy revolution: This is the aim of the “Regional Network System West Eifel” project developed and currently being implemented by Kommunale Netze Eifel AöR (KNE) …